Is OhSo Soft septic safe? Why, yes it is. But The OhSo Co. has gone far beyond that popular feature to make sure our customers and clients are more than pleased with this product.
Quite a few people have reached out to us lately asking, “Is OhSo Soft septic safe?” and “Is this safe to flush when having a septic tank?” The answer to these two questions is yes. (And, we are considering updating the packaging on our next production run to make this feature more clear to consumers.) But while we have your attention to address this issue, we’d like to make you aware of some other important features about OhSo Soft Bathroom Tissue.
OhSo Soft toilet paper is a high quality product that does not compromise the integrity of the environment. It is 100% biodegradable. Our manufacturing process actually involves the use of 100% recycled fibers and we use organic additives. The result is an Earth friendly product that’s designed to be disposed of in the toilet, avoiding problems with pipes and drains. The degradation process of OhSo Soft Bathroom Tissue can last a maximum of 2 months*, minimizing waste emissions to help conserve resources and promote sustainable development for future generations.
We’re glad you were wondering “Is OhSo Soft septic safe?” It gave us an excuse to tell you these other good things. We hope this information will make you happy and confident about trusting The OhSo Co.
We are a family owned and operated business located in the US, with all of our products made in North America.
Please learn more about our products and feel free to contact us with any questions.
*Degradation time will be influenced by biological agents such as the sun, water, bacteria and other organic waste which it is mixed with after use.